Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Kingdom of God in Focus (New, Free Book)


Cameras, binoculars, microscopes, telescopes… they all use knobs, buttons, or wheels of some sort to help the operator dial the object into focus. If it was only as simple for intangible, theological concepts.

How blurry is your “visualization of concept” when you read or hear the phrase “Kingdom of God”?

What does the Bible mean by the “Kingdom of God”? The phrases “Kingdom of Heaven” and “Kingdom of Christ” also refer to the same concept that differs greatly in the understanding of scholars, ministers, and laity alike.  The Gospel in the New Testament is called the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  The disciples of Jesus are commanded to seek the Kingdom as first priority and to pray for its soon coming.

Here is a new, free book to help you dial into focus the Kingdom of God: